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Project ECHO

"The ECHO model is not traditional 'telemedicine' where the specialist assumes care of the patient, but is instead telementoring, a guided practice model where the participating clinician retains responsibility for managing the patient."

Project Echo stands for the Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes.

Project ECHO is a new way of learning that will allow you to network with other health care professionals in the area, form a local community to share best practice and support each other.

At the heart of the model is its hub-and-spoke knowledge-sharing networks, led by expert teams who use video conference to conduct virtual meetings with multiple healthcare providers.

The ECHO model brings together clinical specialist teams (the hub) and primary care clinicians (the spokes). Through teaching sessions and case presentations, the spokes have the opportunity to discuss any cases which they have found challenging and determine the best course of action together. The network fosters a spirit of learning from each other in a safe environment.

1. Technology

Through the use of video conference technology, you will be able to attend teleECHO sessions from wherever you are working without the need to travel.

2. Sharing best practice

Discussions held within ECHO meetings are well-informed and adhere to standards of practice to ensure that a joined up, a standardised approach is taken across all settings.

3. Case based learning

By using real-life cases, discussion facilitates learning which goes beyond textbook examples.